Master Books
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Master Books® is the world’s largest publisher of creation-based material for all ages, including apologetics, homeschool resources, reference titles, and quality children’s literature. It is one of New Leaf Publishing Group’s three imprints.
Learning from the Holy Scripture
Since 1996, Master Books® has been a part of New Leaf Publishing Group, and is an important focus of their growing base of retail and homeschooling customers. Master Books® remains a strong voice of truth in defense of the Holy Scripture from the very first verse, continuing the evangelistic tradition and vision at the heart of New Leaf Publishing Group.
The Tradition of Master Books®
Dr. Henry Morris and Tim LaHaye pioneered the formation of Master Books® in 1975. They recognized the need for this company that would influence so many who seek God’s truth and purpose in their lives. New Leaf Publishing Group seeks to honor their legacy as they move forward into the future.