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Saxon Math has a proven record of success among schools and homeschools. As a result, Saxon is a top math choice from kindergarten through high school.

The Saxon Approach

Saxon’s approach to math is to focus on individual skills and essential concepts rather than classroom interaction. Therefore, with Saxon, each concept is introduced and then reviewed and expanded upon consistently throughout the school year. Students gain new concepts, practice them and build on them incrementally as they learn new concepts that apply to the old. Saxon does not provide colorful textbooks; instead it provides a step-by-step proven approach to math that leads to math success.

The Building Blocks of Math

When used in its entirety, Saxon’s innovative approach ensures that students gain and retain critical math skills, ensuring success in more complex skills. Topics and concepts are never taught and then dropped to be reviewed next year. Instead, more complex concepts build on the old as students practice them every day.

Saxon Placement Tests

Primary Grades

Middle Grades  5/4-Algebra 1/2

Algebra 1

Algebra 2

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