2nd Grade English Pace 1018 by Accelerated Christian Education will assist your children as they expand their knowledge in English!
Throughout 2nd Grade English by Accelerated Christian Education, your students will learn:
- Phonics
- Vowels
- Consonants
- Blends
- Diphthongs
- Punctuation
- Asking versus Telling
- Capitalization
- Quotation Marks
- Apostrophes
- Suffixes
- -s
- -ed
- -ing
- -er
- Compound Words
- Confusing words
- No/Any
- Can/May
- Is/Are
- Does/Do
- To/Too/Two
- Parts of Speech
- Nouns
- Prepositions
- Verbs
- Adverbs
- Word Order
- Sequences
- Same/Opposite
- Homonyms
- Rhyming
- Poetry
- Letters
- Sentences
- Paragraphs
- Character Development
Get your copy of  2nd Grade English Pace 1018 by Accelerated Christian Education today through Curriculum Express!
*Answer Key sold separately
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