Much of the time, we learn from our mistakes. We can also learn from other people’s mistakes. An excellent way to learn grammar and writing skills is by finding and correcting errors in written paragraphs. Daily Paragraph Editing Grade 2 from Evan-Moor covers grade-level skills in these areas:
- Capitalization
- Language usage
- Punctuation: apostrophes
- Punctuation: commas
- Punctuation: periods
- Punctuation: quotation marks
- Other types of punctuation
- Spelling
Daily Paragraph Editing extras include:
- Reproducible student language handbook to guide students through mechanics, grammar, and spelling skills
- Reproducible proofreading marks that model the standard markings used to correct and edit text
- Editing checklist to guide students in reviewing and revising their own writing or that of a peer
- Assessment rubric to guide teachers in conducting a holistic evaluation of student writing
Teach your child the writing skills necessary for successful communication with Daily Paragraph Editing Grade 2 from Evan-Moor. Order today from Curriculum Express!
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