If anyone goes through changes in life, it’s a teenager! The Word of God and the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, can change and encourage hearts, even that of a growing teen.
The ACE Christian Growth Curriculum from Accelerated Christian Education has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional “PACE” workbooks. Quizzes and tests are included.
The ACE Christian Growth Curriculum includes all six high school Christian Growth PACEs (133-138). Answer keys sold separately.*
Using fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, and write-in comprehension exercises in these PACEs, your student will learn about:
- Obedience
- Prayer
- Nervous disorders
- Temperaments
- Avoiding and confessing sin
- The guilt complex
*The following books are required and sold separately:
The School of Obedience by Andrew Murray, an encouragement to Believers to follow the Lord’s example of obedience in life and ministry.
The Hour That Changes the World by Dick Eastman, a plan with practical suggestions for the Christian who wants to improve prayer life.
Nervous Christians by L.G. Little and T. H. Epp, a study of nervous disorders, psychosomatic suffering, and psychotherapy as written by a Christian doctor.
The Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye, a discussion of the four basic temperaments and how God uses them in a Christian life dedicated to Him.
When a Christian Sins by John R. Rice, an examination of what happens when a Christian sins,how his life is affected, and how he can avoid sin.
This Way to Happiness by Clyde M. Narramore, a survey of the basic needs of all humanity and how they are all met fully in Christ.
In ACE High School Christian Growth Unit 6Â (Pace 138), students will read This Way to Happiness by Clyde M. Narramore.
Teach your teen how to live for and with Christ with the ACE Christian Growth Course from Accelerated Christian Education. Order today from Curriculum Express!
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