From balancing a checkbook and maintaining a family budget to understanding the complex interplay of international finance, wise stewardship demands your teenager learn sound economic principles.
The ACE Economics Complete Course from Accelerated Christian Education includes all 12th grade Economics PACEs (1139-1144) and all answer keys.
Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional “PACE” workbooks. PACEs include all tests and exams.
In these PACEs, your student will:
- Learn about
- Price theory
- Laws of supply and demand
- Production
- Cycles of free enterprise
- International and free trade
- Banking and investments
- Stewardship
- Government
- The economy
- Identify definitions, terms, and theories of economics
- Learn about the organization and functions of the Federal Reserve and the Social Security Systems
- Interpret information from and use profit and loss tables and graphs
- Learn how to establish and follow a budget
- Discover the disadvantages of debt, the value of saving, and being involved in a long-range financial plan
This course can be taken at any point in a student’s high school career.
Teach your student the economic skills necessary for wise financial stewardship with the ACE Economics Course from Accelerated Christian Education. Order today from Curriculum Express!
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