Complete earth science and astronomy curriculum for 3rd-8th graders, which reveals God’s creation of the land and skies with geology, astronomy, and meteorology!
What’s so special about the Master Books edition? This exciting course has been enhanced with the following features:
- The 6 original books plus online downloads are now all combined into just 2 books
- Combined daily schedule for a one-year course (includes material for Our Weather & Water, Our Universe, and Our Planet Earth)
- Each individual lesson sheet on its own page
- Contains a master supply list for each section (weather & water, universe, and planet earth) as well a supply list for each lesson- all with convenient checkboxes
- Additional instructions and formatting on the lesson sheets make it easier for the student to follow and the parent to grade
- The icons used in the student book have been added on the lesson sheets as well
- A point system has been assigned to quizzes and tests
- Separate answer keys for worksheets, quizzes, and tests for each section (weather & water, universe, and planet earth)
- Answer keys contain both questions and answers for convenience
- Includes copies of the glossaries from the student book
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