Sale On Paradigm Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit

Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum


Does the thought of teaching physics and chemistry seem daunting? Does the complexity of science and math seem overwhelming and impractical?

Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum introduces students to the people, places and principles of physics and chemistry. Internationally respected scientist/author John Hudson Tiner applies the vignette approach which effectively draws readers into the text and holds their attention. These lessons deliberately avoid complex mathematical equations to encourage students to take high school level science.

Students learn to read and apply the Periodic Table of the Elements while gaining insight into basic chemistry and physics.

The Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit (CHAPTERS 1-6) contains Texts, Activites, and Teacher’s Resource Kit

Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit is an excellent science course for pre-high school students. Teachers and students may select only these first six chapters to be completed for one transcript credit. Year 2 Kit and the Full 2-Year Kit are also available.

Replace fear with fun when teaching physics and chemistry with Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum! Order from Curriculum Express today!

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Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum textbooks are a terrific option for homeschool students or private, charter, and alternative schools seeking a self-instructional learning program that is both engaging and comprehensive.

Benefits of a Correspondence Format

With Paradigm, students receive essential instruction in a correspondence format that requires little teacher interaction. In addition, the Paradigm correspondence format allows students to move through the curriculum as rapidly or as slowly as needed to ensure mastery.

Engaging, Individualized Learning

Each course is broken down into manageable lessons that are designed to teach not only the academic concepts, but also character, confidence, and competency. Each course is designed for individualized learning and allows the homeschool student to advance as rapidly as desired or as slowly as necessary to master the material. Using conversational teaching and vignettes of various historical figures and events, Paradigm courses engage students, enabling them to relate to the instruction while building knowledge and developing key skills.

What Paradigm Offers

Designed to meet the needs of under-performing or under-challenged middle school to high school students, Paradigm offers the following courses for students in grades 7 to 12: Basic Science Mysteries (non-math-heavy science), Natural Science Mysteries (non-math-heavy science), Integrated Physics and Chemistry I & II (non-math-heavy science), Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, English Grammar Skills, English I Language Skills, English II & III (with a focus on writing and composition), English IV, Literature and Philosophy, Basic Math Skills, Intermediate Math Skills, Industrial Skills and Careers, US History I & II, and World Geography.

Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum

Price: $91.00Save 20%!

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Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum

Price: $91.00 Back To Shop

Does the thought of teaching physics and chemistry seem daunting? Does the complexity of science and math seem overwhelming and impractical?

Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum introduces students to the people, places and principles of physics and chemistry. Internationally respected scientist/author John Hudson Tiner applies the vignette approach which effectively draws readers into the text and holds their attention. These lessons deliberately avoid complex mathematical equations to encourage students to take high school level science.

Students learn to read and apply the Periodic Table of the Elements while gaining insight into basic chemistry and physics.

The Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit (CHAPTERS 1-6) contains Texts, Activites, and Teacher’s Resource Kit

Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit is an excellent science course for pre-high school students. Teachers and students may select only these first six chapters to be completed for one transcript credit. Year 2 Kit and the Full 2-Year Kit are also available.

Replace fear with fun when teaching physics and chemistry with Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum! Order from Curriculum Express today!

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Integrated Physics and Chemistry Year 1 Kit from Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum

Price: $91.00Save 20%!

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