*Discover! Social Studies 2nd Grade Set - Curriculum Express

*Discover! Social Studies 2nd Grade Set


Discover! Social Studies for Grade 2 incorporates essential vocabulary, writing activities, and reading opportunities. Throughout the student worktext, students gain knowledge, reflect on what they learned, and apply it in academic and real-world environments.

The instructor guide takes the guesswork out of lesson planning by providing helpful suggestions and answer keys for all activities and assessments.

Student worktext includes activities, instruction, and extensions to appeal to all learning styles. In student worktext A, students engage in daily lessons that teach them about geography, maps, and life in a community. Student worktext B focuses on resources, jobs and income, and environments around the world.

The assessment booklet allows students to grow as an independent learner. This booklet provides chapter assessments, covering 5-10 lessons worth of material and rubrics that guide students through the assessments. 

This package includes Discover! Social Studies Grade 2 Student Worktext A, Student Worktext B worktext, the Instructor Guide, and the Assessment Booklet.

Click here for Sample Lesson.

Click here for Teacher Guide Sample.

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Weight 4 lbs
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Discover! is the only curriculum that leverages the best of interactive and student-driven learning combined with beautiful textbooks and fully-developed instructor guides, ensuring multi-modality learning, critical thinking, and social emotional development. All types of learners are engaged in wholesome content that helps them discover their unique gifts, find and express their voice, and make individual choices as they navigate through the learning process. Characters throughout the lessons help build strong social and emotional skills and challenge students to think globally as they respond to challenging questions and complete creative projects.

*Discover! Social Studies 2nd Grade Set

Price: $129.95

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*Discover! Social Studies 2nd Grade Set

Price: $129.95 Back To Shop

Discover! Social Studies for Grade 2 incorporates essential vocabulary, writing activities, and reading opportunities. Throughout the student worktext, students gain knowledge, reflect on what they learned, and apply it in academic and real-world environments.

The instructor guide takes the guesswork out of lesson planning by providing helpful suggestions and answer keys for all activities and assessments.

Student worktext includes activities, instruction, and extensions to appeal to all learning styles. In student worktext A, students engage in daily lessons that teach them about geography, maps, and life in a community. Student worktext B focuses on resources, jobs and income, and environments around the world.

The assessment booklet allows students to grow as an independent learner. This booklet provides chapter assessments, covering 5-10 lessons worth of material and rubrics that guide students through the assessments. 

This package includes Discover! Social Studies Grade 2 Student Worktext A, Student Worktext B worktext, the Instructor Guide, and the Assessment Booklet.

Click here for Sample Lesson.

Click here for Teacher Guide Sample.

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Price: $129.95

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